Baris Aksanli

Dr. Baris Aksanli

Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
San Diego State University
View My CV
(Last Updated: Aug'24)
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Brief Bio

I am an associate professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at San Diego State University. Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher in Computer Science and Engineering Department at University of California,San Diego. I obtained my PhD degree from the same university in March 2015. I was a member of System Energy Efficiency Lab (Seelab). My research interests are context aware cyber-physical systems, energy-efficient systems, embedded devices, and the Internet of Things.

You can reach me at my SDSU email and view the details of my projects on my LinkedIn page. I worked in several large-scale research centers, including Multi Scale Systems Center (MuSyC), TerraSwarm Research Center, Center for Networked Systems (CNS) and the collaborators of my projects include Google, Microsoft, Panasonic, Intel, IBM.



  • San Diego State University

    • COMPE375: Embedded Systems Programming (Sp17, Sp18, Fa18, Sp19, Su19, Fa19, Sp20, Su20, Fa20, Sp21, Su21, Fa21, Sp22, Su22, Fa22, Sp23, Su23, Fa23, Sp24, Su24, Fa24)
    • COMPE571: Embedded Operating Systems (Fa16, Fa17, Fa18, Fa19, Fa20, Fa21, Fa22, Fa23, Fa24)
    • EE600/COMPE596: Cyber-Physical Systems (Sp20, Sp21, Sp22, Sp23)
  • University of California San Diego

    • CSE190G: Introduction to Embedded Systems (Sp16)
    • CSE291C: Internet of Things (Wi16)
    • CSE291: Introduction to Smart Grid (Guest Lectures) (Sp15)
    • CSE237A: Intorduction to Embedded Systems (Teaching Assistant) (Wi13)
  • Bogazici University, Turkey

    • MATH202: Differential Equations (Teaching Assistant) (Sp10)
    • CMPE150: Introduction to Computing (Teaching Assistant) (Sp08, Fa08)


My Google Scholar Profile
For a chronological list of my publications, please see my CV, or click here.

Context-Aware, Secure, and Smart Internet of Things Systems

  • Fatemeh Asgarinejad, Anthony Thomas, Ryan Hildebrant, Zhenyu Zhang, Shangping Ren, Tajana Rosing, Baris Aksanli. Optimized Early Prediction of Business Processes with Hyperdimensional Computing. MDPI Information. 2024. PDF

  • Fatemeh Asgarinejad, Flavio Ponzina, Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, Baris Aksanli. HDXpose: Harnessing Hyperdimensional Computing's Explainability for Adversarial Attacks. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD). 2024. (accepted)

  • Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, Baris Aksanli. A2HD: Adaptive Adversarial Training for Hyperdimensional Computing-Based Intrusion Detection Against Adversarial Attacks. IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). 2024. (accepted)

  • Alice Sokolova, Baris Aksanli, Frederic Harris, Harinath Garudadri. A Curvilinear Transfer Function for Wide Dynamic Range Compression with Expansion. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society. 2024. PDF

  • Fatemeh Asgarinejad, Xiaofan Yu, Danlin Jiang, Justin Morris, Tajana Rosing, Baris Aksanli. Enhanced Noise-Resilient Pressure Mat System Based on Hyperdimensional Computing. MDPI Sensors. 2024. PDF

  • Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, Baris Aksanli. ROLDEF: RObust Layered DEFense for Intrusion Detection Against Adversarial Attacks. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE). 2024. PDF

  • Alice Sokolova, Varsha Rallapalli, Anusha Yellamsetty, Martin Hunt, Baris Aksanli, Fredric Harris, Harinath Garudadri. Validation of Frequency Warping (Freping) as a new tool for feedback control in hearing aids. 57th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers. 2023. PDF

  • Alice Sokolova, Baris Aksanli, Frederic Harris, Harinath Garudadri. Consolidating Compression and Revisiting Expansion: An Alternative Amplification Rule for Wide Dynamic Range Compression. IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA). 2023. PDF

  • Alice Sokolova, Varsha H. Rallapalli, Anusha Yellamsetty, Martin Hunt, Baris Aksanli, Fredric Harris, Harinath Garudadri. Acoustic feedback control in hearing aids with frequency warping. Journal of Acoustical Society of America. 2023. PDF

  • Mitchell Timken, Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, Baris Aksanli. Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Cyber Attack Detection in SCADA Power Systems. International Conference on Smart Applications, Communications and Networking (SmartNets). 2023. PDF

  • Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, Baris Aksanli. Adversarial-HD: Hyperdimensional Computing Adversarial Attack Design for Secure Industrial Internet of Things . IEEE/ACM Workshop on the Internet of Safe Things, co-located with CPS-IoT Week. 2023. PDF (Best paper runner-up)

  • Josef Miller, Mauro Garcia, Baris Aksanli. WiP: Optimizing Solar-powered BLE Beacons for Wildlife Monitoring. IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM). 2023. PDF

  • Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, Baris Aksanli. HD-I-IoT: Hyperdimensional Computing for Resilient Industrial Internet of Things Analytics. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE). 2023. PDF

  • Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, Baris Aksanli. DENSE-DEFENSE: Diversity Promoting Ensemble Adversarial Training Towards Effective Defense. IEEE SENSORS. 2022. PDF

  • Alice Sokolova, Dhiman Sengupta, Martin Hunt, Rajesh Gupta, Baris Aksanli, Fredric Harris, Harinath Garudadri. Real-time Multirate Multiband Amplification for Hearing Aids. IEEE Access. 2022. PDF

  • Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, Baris Aksanli. STEWART: STacking Ensemble for White-Box AdversaRial Attacks Towards More Resilient Data-driven Predictive Maintenance. Computers in Industry. 2022. PDF

  • Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, Baris Aksanli. CAHEROS: Constraint-Aware HEuristic Approach for RObust Sensor Placement. IEEE SENSORS. 2021. PDF

  • Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, Baris Aksanli. ENFES: ENsemble FEw-Shot Learning For Intelligent Fault Diagnosis with Limited Data. IEEE SENSORS. 2021. PDF

  • Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, Baris Aksanli. DOWELL: Diversity-induced Optimally Weighted Ensemble Learner for Predictive Maintenance of Industrial Internet of Things Devices . IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2021. PDF

  • Alice Sokolova, Dhiman Sengupta, Kuan-Lin Chen, Rajesh Gupta, Baris Aksanli, Fredric Harris, Harinath Garudadri. Multirate Audiometric Filter Bank for Hearing Aid Devices . 55th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers. 2021. PDF (Best paper contest finalist)

  • Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, Baris Aksanli. RESPIRE++: Robust Indoor Sensor Placement Optimization under Distance Uncertainty . IEEE Sensors Journal. 2021. PDF

  • Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing, Baris Aksanli. OPELRUL: Optimally Weighted Ensemble Learner for Remaining Useful Life Prediction . IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management (ICPHM). 2021. PDF

  • Onat Gungor, Tajana Rosing and Baris Aksanli. RESPIRE: Robust Sensor Placement Optimization in Probabilistic Environments. IEEE SENSORS. 2020. (Best paper nominee) PDF

  • Luis Camal and Baris Aksanli. Building an Energy-Efficient Ad-Hoc Network for Wildlife Observation. MDPI Electronics. 2020. PDF

  • Luis Camal, Anup Kirtane, Teresa Blanco, Roberto Casas, Federico Rossano, Baris Aksanli. A Wearable Device Network to Track Animal Behavior and Relationships in the Wild. IEEE Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON). 2019. PDF

  • Saipriyati Singh and Baris Aksanli. Detecting Multiple People with Low-Resolution Thermal Sensors in Smart Spaces. IEEE SENSORS. 2019. PDF

  • Tasneem Singh and Baris Aksanli. Real-time Traffic Monitoring and SQL Injection Attack Detection for Edge Networks. ACM International Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks. 2019. PDF

  • Saipriyati Singh and Baris Aksanli. Non-Intrusive Presence Detection and Position Tracking for Multiple People Using Low-Resolution Thermal Sensors Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks. 2019. PDF

  • Anthony Thomas, Yunhui Guo, Yeseong Kim, Baris Aksanli, Arun Kumar, and Tajana Rosing. Hierarchical and Distributed Machine Learning Inference Beyond the Edge. IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control. 2019. PDF

  • Sagar Shelke and Baris Aksanli. Static and Dynamic Activity Detection with Ambient Sensors in Smart Spaces. MDPI Sensors. 2019. PDF

  • Aniruddha Patel, Chinmay Prabhudesai, Baris Aksanli. Non-Intrusive Activity Detection and Prediction in Smart Residential Spaces. 9th IEEE Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON) 2018. PDF

  • Neha Avinash Belapurkar, Sagar Shelke, Baris Aksanli. The Case for Ambient Sensing for Human Activity Detection. International Workshop on Human-in-the-loop Internet of Things Systems (Hil-IoT) 2018 in conjunction with the 8th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2018). PDF

  • Neha Avinash Belapurkar and Baris Aksanli. Energy-Efficient Human Activity Detection in Smart Spaces. 16th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access (MobiWac) 2018. PDF

  • Neha Avinash Belapurkar, Jacob Harbour, Sagar Shelke, Baris Aksanli. Building Data-Aware and Energy-Efficient Smart Spaces. IEEE Internet of Things Journal Special Issue on Internet of Things for Smart & Sensing Systems: Issues, trends and applications. 2018. PDF

  • Sagar Shelke, Jacob Harbour, Baris Aksanli. Building an Intelligent and Efficient Smart Space to Detect Human Behavior in Common Areas. IEEE International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC). 2018. PDF

  • Jagannathan Venkatesh, Baris Aksanli, Christine S. Chan, Alper Sinan Akyurek, Tajana Simunic Rosing. Modular and Personalized Smart Health Application Design in a Smart City Environment. IEEE Internet of Things Journal Special Issue on Internet of Things for Smart Cities. 2017. PDF

  • Baris Aksanli, Jagannathan Venkatesh, Christine Chan, Alper S. Akyurek, Tajana S. Rosing. Context-Aware and User-Centric Residential Energy Management. International Workshop on Mobile and Pervasive Internet of Things'17 – in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication, 2017. PDF

  • Nima Mousavi, Baris Aksanli, Alper S. Akyurek, Tajana S. Rosing. Accuracy-Resource Tradeoff for Edge Devices in Internet of Things. International Workshop on Smart Edge Computing and Networking (SmartEdge’17) – in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication, 2017. PDF

  • Jagannathan Venkatesh, Baris Aksanli, Christine Chan, Alper S. Akyurek and Tajana Rosing. Scalable Application Design for the Internet of Things. IEEE Software Special Issue on Software Engineering for the Internet of Things, 2017. PDF

Emerging Topics in Computing

  • Weihong Xu, Saransh Gupta, Justin Morris, Xincheng Shen, Mohsen Imani, Baris Aksanli, Tajana Rosing. Tri-HD: Energy-Efficient On-Chip Learning With In-Memory Hyperdimensional Computing. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 2024. PDF

  • Fatemeh Asgarinejad, Justin Morris, Tajana Rosing, Baris Aksanli. VisionHD: Towards Efficient and Privacy-Preserved Hyperdimensional Computing for Image Data. ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED). 2024. PDF

  • Fatemeh Asgarinejad, Justin Morris, Tajana Rosing, Baris Aksanli. PIONEER: Highly Efficient and Accurate Hyperdimensional Computing using Learned Projection. Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC). 2024. PDF

  • Xiaofan Yu, Minxuan Zhou, Fatemeh Asgarinejad, Onat Gungor, Baris Aksanli, Tajana Rosing. Lightning Talk: Private and Secure Learning at the Edge with Hyperdimensional Computing. IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2023. PDF

  • Tianqi Zhang, Justin Morris, Kenneth Stewart, Hin Wai Lui, Behnam Khaleghi, Anthony Thomas, Thiago Goncalves-Marback, Baris Aksanli, Emre Neftci, Tajana Rosing. HyperSpikeASIC: Accelerating Event-based Workloads with HyperDimensional Computing and Spiking Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 2023. PDF

  • Tianqi Zhang, Sahand Salamat, Behnam Khaleghi, Justin Morris, Baris Aksanli and Tajana Rosing. HD2FPGA: Automated Framework for Accelerating Hyperdimensional Computing on FPGAs. International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED). 2023. PDF

  • Justin Morris, Yilun Hao, Saransh Gupta, Behnam Khaleghi, Baris Aksanli, Tajana Rosing. Stochastic-HD: Leveraging Stochastic Computing on the Hyper-Dimensional Computing Pipeline. Frontiers in Neuroscience, section Neuromorphic Engineering. 2022. PDF

  • Justin Morris, Kazim Ergun, Behnam Khaleghi, Mohsen Imani, Baris Aksanli, Tajana Rosing. HyDREA: Utilizing Hyperdimensional Computing For A More Robust and Efficient Machine Learning System. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS). 2022. PDF

  • Saransh Gupta, Behnam Khaleghi, Sahand Salamat, Justin Morris, Ranganathan Ramkumar, Jeffrey Yu, Aniket Tiwari, Jaeyoung Kang, Mohsen Imani, Baris Aksanli, Tajana Rosing. Store-n-Learn: Classification and Clustering with Hyperdimensional Computing across Flash Hierarchy. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS). 2022. PDF

  • Justin Morris, Hin Wai Lui, Kenneth Stewart, Behnam Khaleghi, Anthony Thomas, Thiago Marback, Baris Aksanli, Emre Neftci, Tajana Rosing. HyperSpike: HyperDimensional Computing for More Efficient and Robust Spiking Neural Networks. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE). 2022. PDF

  • Justin Morris, Si Thu Kaung Set, Gadi Rosen, Mohsen Imani, Baris Aksanli and Tajana Rosing. AdaptBit-HD: Adaptive Model Bitwidth for Hyperdimensional Computing. IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD). 2021. PDF

  • Yilun Hao, Saransh Gupta, Justin Morris, Behnam Khaleghi, Baris Aksanli and Tajana Rosing. Stochastic-HD: Leveraging Stochastic Computing on Hyper-Dimensional Computing. IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD). 2021. PDF

  • Alice Sokolova, Mohsen Imani, Andrew Huang, Ricardo Garcia, Justin Morris, Tajana Rosing, Baris Aksanli. MACcelerator: Approximate Arithmetic Unit for Computational Acceleration. International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED). 2021. PDF

  • Justin Morris, Yilun Hao, Roshan Fernando, Mohsen Imani, Baris Aksanli , Tajana Rosing. Locality-based Encoder and Model Quantization for Efficient Hyper-Dimensional Computing. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 2021. PDF

  • Justin Morris, Kazim Ergun, Behnam Khaleghi, Mohsen Imani, Baris Aksanli , Tajana Rosing. HyDREA: Towards More Robust and Efficient Machine Learning Systems with Hyperdimensional Computing. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE). 2021. PDF

  • Yunhui Guo, Mohsen Imani, J. Kang, Sahand Salamat, Justin Morris, Baris Aksanli, Yeseong Kim, Tajana Rosing. HyperRec: Efficient Recommender Systems with Hyperdimensional Computing. IEEE Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC). 2021. PDF

  • Justin Morris, Yilun Hao, Saransh Gupta, Ranganathan Ramkumar, Jeffrey Yu, Mohsen Imani, Baris Aksanli, and Tajana Rosing. Multilabel HD Classification in 3D Flash . IEEE/IFIP International Conference on VLSI and System-on-Chip (VLSI-SoC). 2020. (invited paper) PDF

  • Saransh Gupta, Justin Morris, Mohsen Imani, Ranganathan Ramkumar, Jeffrey Yu, Aniket Tiwari, Baris Aksanli and Tajana Rosing. THRIFTY: Training with Hyperdimensional Computing across Flash Hierarchy . IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD). 2020. PDF

  • Mohsen Imani, Alice Sokolova , Ricardo Garcia, Andrew Huang, Fan Wu, Baris Aksanli, Tajana Rosing. ApproxLP: Approximate Multiplication with Linearization and Iterative Error Control. IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC). 2019. PDF

Residential and Smart Grid Energy Management

  • Onat Gungor, Jake Garnier, Tajana Rosing and Baris Aksanli. LENARD: Lightweight ENsemble LeARner for MeDium-term Electricity Consumption Prediction. IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm). 2020. PDF

  • Onat Gungor, Baris Aksanli, Reyhan Aydogan. Algorithm Selection and Combining Multiple Learners for Residential Energy Prediction. Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS). 2019. PDF

  • Alice Sokolova and Baris Aksanli. Demographical Energy Usage Analysis of Residential Buildings. ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology. 2019.

  • Alice Sokolova and Baris Aksanli. Demographical Energy Usage Analysis of Residential Buildings. ASME Power & Energy Conference. 2018. PDF
    (Best paper nominee)

  • Baris Aksanli. Accurate and Data-Limited Prediction for Smart Home Energy Management. ASME Power & Energy Conference. 2018. PDF

  • Baris Aksanli and Tajana S. Rosing. Human Behavior Aware Energy Management in Residential Cyber-Physical Systems. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing Special Issue on Cyber-Physical Social Systems: Integrating Human into Computing. 2017. PDF

  • Akanksha Maurya, Alper Sinan Akyurek, Baris Aksanli and Tajana Rosing. Time-Series Clustering for Data Analysis in Smart Grid. International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), 2016. PDF

  • Baris Aksanli, Alper Sinan Akyurek and Tajana Rosing. User Behavior Modeling for Estimating Residential Energy Consumption. EAI International Conference on Smart Grids for Smart Cities (SGSC), 2015. PDF

  • Alper Sinan Akyurek, Baris Aksanli and Tajana Rosing. S2Sim: Smart Grid Swarm Simulator. International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC), 2015. PDF

  • Baris Aksanli, Alper Sinan Akyurek, Madhur Behl, Meghan Clark, Alexandre Donze, Prabal Dutta, Patrick Lazik, Mehdi Maasoumy, Rahul Mangharam, Truong X. Nghiem, Vasumathi Raman, Anthony Rowe, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Sanjit A. Seshia, Tajana Simunic Rosing, and Jagannathan Venkatesh. Distributed Control of a Swarm of Buildings Connected to a Smart Grid. 1st ACM International Conference on Embedded Systems For Energy-Efficient Buildings (BuildSys), 2014 (Demo paper). PDF

  • Baris Aksanli and Tajana Rosing. Energy Management and Cost Analysis in Residential Houses using Batteries. SRC TECHCON, 2014.PDF

  • Baris Aksanli and Tajana Rosing. Optimal Battery Configuration in a Residential Home with Time-of-Use Pricing. International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), 2013.PDF

  • Jagannathan Venkatesh, Baris Aksanli, Tajana Rosing, Jean-Claude Junqua, and Philippe Morin. HomeSim: Comprehensive, Smart, Residential Energy Simulation and Scheduling. International Green Computing Conference (IGCC), 2013. PDF

  • Jagannathan Venkatesh, Baris Aksanli, and Tajana Rosing. Residential Energy Simulation and Scheduling: A Case Study Approach. International Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 2013. PDF

Energy Efficient Data Centers

  • Christine S. Chan, Alper Sinan Akyurek, Baris Aksanli, and Tajana Rosing. Optimal Performance-Aware Cooling on Enterprise Servers. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 2018. PDF

  • Baris Aksanli. Datacenter Peak Power Management with Energy Storage Devices. IEEE Internet Computing Special Issue on Energy Efficient Data Centers. 2017. PDF

  • Baris Aksanli, Alper Sinan Akyurek, and Tajana Rosing. Minimizing the Effects of Data Centers on Microgrid Instability. International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC), 2015. PDF

  • Baris Aksanli, Jagannathan Venkatesh, Tajana Rosing, and Inder Monga. Renewable Energy Prediction for Improved Utilization and Efficiency in Datacenters and Backbone Networks. Computational Sustainability, Springer. 2015 (book chapter). PDF

  • Baris Aksanli and Tajana Rosing. Providing Regulation Services and Managing Data Center Peak Power Budgets. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), 2014. PDF

  • Baris Aksanli, Eddie Pettis, and Tajana Rosing. Architecting Efficient Peak Power Shaving Using Batteries in Data Centers. International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), 2013. PDF

  • Baris Aksanli, Eddie Pettis, and Tajana Rosing. Distributed Battery Control for Peak Power Shaving in Data Centers. International Green Computing Conference (IGCC) 2013. PDF

  • Baris Aksanli, Jagannathan Venkatesh, Tajana Rosing, and Inder Monga. A Comprehensive Approach to Reduce the Energy Cost of Network of Datacenters. International Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 2013. PDF
    (Best Student Paper)

  • Baris Aksanli, Jagannathan Venkatesh, and Tajana Rosing. Datacenter Modeling and Simulation with Focus on Energy Efficiency and Green Energy Integration. IEEE Computer Special Issue on Modeling and Simulation of Smart and Green Computing Systems, 2012. PDF

  • Baris Aksanli, Jagannathan Venkatesh, Liuyi Zhang, and Tajana Rosing. Utilizing green energy prediction to schedule mixed batch and service jobs in data centers. ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review. 2012. PDF

  • Vasileios Kontorinis, Liuyi Zhang, Baris Aksanli, Jack Sampson, Houman Homayoun, Eddie Pettis, Dean Tullsen, and Tajana Rosing. Managing Distributed UPS Energy for Effective Power Capping in Data Centers. International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), 2012. PDF

  • Baris Aksanli , Tajana Rosing, and Inder Monga. Benefits of Green Energy and Proportionality in High Speed Wide Area Networks Connecting Data Centers. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), 2012. PDF

  • Baris Aksanli, Jagannathan Venkatesh, Liuyi Zhang and Tajana Rosing. Utilizing Green Energy Prediction to Schedule Mixed Batch and Service Jobs in Data Centers. International Workshop on Power Aware Computing and Systems (HotPower), 2011. PDF
    (Best of HotPower)

Logic Simulation with GPU Programming

  • Alper Sen, Baris Aksanli, and Murat Bozkurt. Speeding-up Cycle Based Logic Simulation using Graphics Units. International Journal of Parallel Programming (IJPP), 2011. PDF

  • Alper Sen, Baris Aksanli, and Murat Bozkurt. Using Graphics Processing Units for Logic Simulation of Electronic Designs. International Workshop on Microprocessor Test and Verification (MTV), 2010. PDF

  • Alper Sen, Baris Aksanli, Murat Bozkurt, and Melih Mert. Parallel Cycle Based Logic Simulation using Graphics Processing Units. International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC), 2010. PDF


  • Onat Gungor. Towards Intelligent, Secure, and Efficient Industrial Internet of Things. PhD Thesis. San Diego State University - University of California San Diego Joint Doctoral Program. 2023.

  • Alice Sokolova. Multirate Signal Processing for Wide Dynamic Range Compression and Feedback Control in Hearing Aids. PhD Thesis. San Diego State University - University of California San Diego Joint Doctoral Program. 2023.

  • Justin Morris. Fast, Efficient, and Robust Learning with Brain-Inspired Hyperdimensional Computing. PhD Thesis. San Diego State University - University of California San Diego Joint Doctoral Program. 2022.

  • Mitchell Timken. Ensemble Machine Learning for Cyber Attack Detection in SCADA Power Systems. MSc Project. San Diego Statet University. 2022.

  • Anup Kirtane. Energy-efficient Data Writing Methods for Low-power Networked Wireless Devices. MSc Thesis. San Diego State University. 2019.

  • Luis Camal. Building an Energy-efficient Network for Wildlife Observation. MSc Thesis. San Diego State University. 2019.

  • Tasneem Singh. Real-time Traffic Monitoring and SQL Injection Attack Detection for Edge Networks. MSc Thesis. San Diego State University. 2019.

  • Saipriyati Singh. Non-intrusive Activity and Presence Detection for Multiple People using Low-resolution Ambient Sensors. MSc Thesis. San Diego State University. 2019.

  • Sagar Shelke. Building an Intelligent and Efficient Smart Space to Detect Human Behavior in Common Areas. MSc Thesis. San Diego State University. 2018.

  • Neha Avinash Belapurkar. Energy efficiency in Indoor Internet of Things Systems for Human Activity Detection. MSc Thesis. San Diego State University. 2018.

  • Baris Aksanli. Energy and Cost Efficient Data Centers. PhD Thesis. University of California San Diego. 2015. PDF


  • PhD Students

    • Fatemeh Asgarinejad
  • Master Students

    • Mauro Garcia
    • Cagla Ipek Kocal
  • Alumni

    • Onat Gungor, PhD 2023. First position after graduation: Postdoctoral researcher @ UCSD
    • Alice Sokolova, PhD 2023. First position after graduation: Researcher/instructor @ SDSU
    • Mohammed Shoaib Ibrar, MSc 2024.
    • Zachary Tarkowski, MSc 2024.
    • Amani Daggula, MSc 2023.
    • Chetan Malik, MSc 2023.
    • Ajender Reddy Mallikarjuna, MSc 2023.
    • Eunice Kitts, undergraduate research intern 2023, BSc student @ SDSU
    • Josef Miller, undergraduate research intern 2022-2023, BSc student @ SDSU
    • Gabriel Miller, BSc 2023. First position after graduation: Electrical engineer @ L3Harris Technologies
    • Justin Morris, PhD 2022. First position after graduation: Assistant Professor @ CSU San Marcos
    • Mitchell Timken, MSc 2022. First position after graduation: Software Engineer @ SiteLinx
    • Sai Krishna Singapati, MSc 2022, First position after graduation: System/software test engineer @ Qualcomm
    • Kavan Mehta, MSc 2022. First position after graduation: Firmware Engineer @ Myron L Company
    • Claire Bentzen, research intern summer 2021, BSc student @ SDSU
    • Polina Popova, undergraduate research intern summer 2021, BSc student @ SDSU
    • Reed Rohlfing, undergraduate research intern 2020-2021, BSc student @ SDSU
    • Blake Downey, BSc 2021. First position after graduation: Graduate student @ University of Washington
    • Ugur Dogan, graduate research assistant 2020, MSc student @ SDSU
    • Parth Sagar, MSc 2020. First position after graduation: Embedded Systems Engineer @ Monitor Health Inc.
    • Hardik Shah, graduate student intern 2020, MSc student @ SDSU
    • Praroop Joshi, graduate student intern 2020, MSc student @ SDSU
    • Sachin John, graduate student intern 2020, MSc student @ SDSU
    • Emilio Nuno, undergraduate research intern 2020, BSc student @ SDSU
    • Luis Camal, MSc 2019. First position after graduation: Software Engineer @ Northrop Grumman
    • Anup Kirtane, MSc 2019. First position after graduation: Software Applications Engineer @ Qualcomm
    • Tasneem Singh, MSc 2019. First position after graduation: Security and Compliance Engineer @ IBM
    • Saipriyati Singh, MSc 2019. First position after graduation: RF Embedded Software Engineer @ Qualcomm
    • Neha Belapurkar, MSc 2018. First position after graduation: Member of Technical Staff @ Viasat
    • Sagar Shelke, MSc 2018. First position after graduation: Senior RD Engineer @ Harman International
    • Aniruddha Patel, MSc 2018. First position after graduation: Software/Firmware Engineer @ Romeo Power Technology
    • Chinmay Prabhudesai, MSc 2018. First position after graduation: Software Engineer @ GigaIO Networks
    • Jacob Harbour, BSc 2018. First position after graduation: Junior Engineer @ Innoflight
    • Michael Newcomer, summer intern 2018, BSc student @ SDSU
    • Shota Amashukeli, visiting student from SDSU Georgia, summer intern 2018
    • Vakhtang Donadze, visiting student from SDSU Georgia, summer intern 2018

Contact Information

Phone - Email

Phone: +1-619-594-2257


5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego CA 92182

LinkedIn Profile

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profile here.